Paper Submission Information

Please format your paper according to the following rules (originally adapted from IEEE Transactions on Computers policy):

Please see the JILP website home page for a link to the current electronic submission site.

Submission Policy

Papers that have been published in "limited distribution" conference proceedings, digests, records, preprints, etc. can be submitted for consideration provided that the editor-in-chief is notified at the time of submission. Material is not to be submitted concurrently to meetings and JILP. Extensively expanded previously published conference or symposia papers that provide additional insight and more archival information to aid other researchers are appropriate submissions for JILP.

A paper should clearly indicate the relationship of the work described to the most relevant previous work. Most formulae in a paper should be accompanied by brief explanations in English. Mathematical proofs should be given only when they are particularly illuminating or are not burdensome. When proofs are not given, it is common to cite a technical report or other source where interested readers may find them.

The author is responsible for obtaining any necessary copyright releases for material which has been published previously, as well as all required corporate and security clearances prior to submitting material for consideration. It is JILP's policy to assume that all clearances have been received by the author by the time a paper is submitted for publication. No paper published in other journals or books can be considered for publication in JILP. Concurrent submission to other publications and JILP is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and if detected will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

Note: All papers published by JILP are copyrighted by North Carolina State University.  Authors retain permission to duplicate their own work.

Process for Submission of a Paper or Proposal for a Special Issue

Timely publication of papers will depend on careful preparation and submission of manuscripts, according to the following guidelines.

  1. Submit an electronic copy of the manuscript via the current electronic submission site (please see the JILP home page). Each copy should include tables, illustrations, abstract, index terms, references and biographies (please see next section for format of submission). Electronic submissions in PDF format is required.
  2. The editor-in-chief will forward the manuscript to one or more of the associate editors. The associate editors will complete the review process and make a decision regarding the manuscript.
  3. The editor-in-chief will notify the corresponding author of the decision.
  4. Papers that are accepted for publication must be correctly formatted by the authors in order to appear in JILP.  Failure to correctly format a manuscript may result in ultimate rejection of a paper.
  5. The referee process assures anonymity of reviewers of all papers. It is also possible to provide a blind review in which the author's identity is unknown to the reviewers. If you wish blind processing, inform the editor-in-chief in advance of submission and ensure that your identity is not revealed in the submitted PDF file.

Style for Review Version of Manuscript

  1. Text must be double-spaced in 12-point or larger font (we recommend Times Roman font), on paper size of 8.5-inch by 11-inch (to accommodate all printers, A4 is not acceptable) with margins of at least one inch on all four sides. All pages must be numbered sequentially starting with page 1.
  2. There is a strict size limit for all submissions: 35 double-spaced pages, including illustrations. (For estimation purposes only: a double-spaced page is a page with 12-point fonts and 24-point vertical spacing and should contain approximately 250 words. Figures and tables are counted as 250 words each.)
  3. Provide a 100- to 200-word abstract at the head of the manuscript.
  4. The first page must list all authors and their affiliated institutions (unless you have elected for blind review of your manuscript-- please see above).
  5. All figures must be numbered and cited in the text. Each figure must have a descriptive caption. Annotations in the figures should be large enough to be legible after reduction to a 3.5-inch width.
  6. References should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. References should be complete, in IEEE style (ACM or other styles are not acceptable), and all referenced works should be accessible to readers (e.g., "personal communcation" or "unpublished technical report" are not acceptable references).
    IEEE Bibliography style includes these features (please see an IEEE publication for examples):
    • style for references to papers: Author(s), first initials followed by last name (do not use et al.), title in quotation marks, periodical, volume, inclusive page numbers, month, and year.
    • style for references to books: Author(s), first initials followed by last name, title, edition. Location: publisher, year, chapter, and page numbers.
    • Citations are numbered sequentially by reference in the text and enclosed in square brackets (e.g., "[3]").  Citations may be used as nouns (e.g., "[3] illustrates that...").  Multiple citations are separated by commas (e.g., "[3],[15],[27]").

Final Manuscript Format

Please read this document.

Page Charges and Reprints

At this time, we do not anticipate that JILP will require page charges.